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Friday, May 6, 2011

Keep on Praying

Luke 18:1-8 (NKJV):1 Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, 2 saying: "There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. 3 Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, 'Get justice for me from my adversary.' 4 And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man, 5 yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.' " 6 Then the Lord said, "Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"
J. Vernon McGee gives a picturesque rendering of what could have happened in Luke 18:2-5. He wrote:

“Now in this city there was a judge who was a godless fellow. He was an unscrupulous politician, scheming, cold, and calculating. Everything he did was for himself…Everything he did had to minister to his own advancement and satisfy his own ambition. He did not fear God. God had no place in this man's thinking. And since he did not fear God, he had no regard for man. He had no respect for this widow at all.

The widow likely was being beaten out of her little home. The mortgage was being foreclosed, and she was being treated unjustly. She went to this prominent judge, took her place in his office, and asked the secretary if she might talk to the judge. The secretary told her, "He's very busy. If you will just tell me the nature of your complaint...." So the widow told her, "I'm just a poor widow. I live out here at the edge of town, and I'm about to lose my place. It is unfair and unjust, and I want to appeal to the judge."

The secretary went into the judge's office and said, "There is a widow out there...." "Well, I can get rid of her in three minutes. I'm a politician, I know how to handle her. Let her come in." She came in. He listened to her for three minutes. Then he said, "I'm sorry, but that's out of my realm. I'd love to do something for you, but I am unable to do anything. Good day."

The next day when he came into the office, there was the widow. He hurried into his office, called his secretary in, and asked, "What's that widow doing back?" "She says she wants to see you." "You go back and tell her I am busy until lunch time." "I've already told her that. But she brought her lunch. She says she will stay here as long as necessary." She stayed all that day and didn't get to see him. He thought he had gotten rid of her. But the next morning when he came in, there she was! She did that for several days, and finally he said, "I'll have to do something about this. I can't go on like this."

Many times, the point of a parable is difficult to find. But the point of this parable is given in verse one of Luke 18, “…men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” Jesus taught that we should keep praying, keep trusting, and keep believing until God answers our prayers. There are those who believe that to pray about a matter more than once illustrates a lack of faith. Consequently, to pray continuously is to say, “I’m still believing God!” The New Living Translation of Matthew 7:7 says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Today’s exhortation is crayola simple: “Keep on Praying!”

Let’s Pray: “Father, help us to keep on praying.”

Daily Prayer: “Oh, that You would bless me indeed,

and enlarge my territory,

that Your hand would be with me,

and that You would keep me from evil,

that I may not cause pain!”

The Prayer of Jabez, I Chronicles 4:10

Daily Confession:

Father, I thank You for making me the head and not the tail

Above only and not beneath

The lender and not the borrower

The conqueror and not the conquered

I thank You for giving me all things that pertain unto life and godliness

And for delivering my life from death and destruction

So that I shall live and not die to declare your works

I thank You that no sickness shall live in my body

For by Your Stripes I'm healed

I confess that I will not be stressed, oppressed, or depressed

Because You're keeping me in perfect peace as my mind is stayed on Thee

I confess that I will not be distracted, disorganized, or in disarray,

but I will be diligent to what God has called me to do

I confess that there shall not be any lack in my life

For my God shall supply all my needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus

Thank You that all things are working together for my good

And that You always cause me to triumph

This is the day that you have made

I will rejoice and be glad in it

In Jesus, Name, amen.

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