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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things Will Change

Ecclesiastes 3:1- “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven…”

Economists established a model which allows them to predict pattern changes in a nation’s income. By doing so, they’re able to theorize the current state of an economy as well as give a short and long term forecast of the economy’s future. There are four phases that an economy goes through (my terms are basic business ones and may or may not be the language of the “world of business”). The 1st one is expansion. When the market is in the expansion phase, it’s growing or recovering from an economic decline. Next, there’s a period of financial well being and affluence called the prosperity phase. A leveling off or the period before a recession is called contradiction, while the phase that categories two or more consecutive months of economic decline is called a recession. Historically, this economic model has been cyclic. Although the market has experienced recession, it has always been able to expand. After expansion, it has cycled through prosperity, contradiction, and then back to recession.

Life for the believer is like partaking in the business cycle. There are seasons that all of us have to “cycle through.” We’re either recovering from hard times, enjoying prosperity, at a standstill, or in seasons of decline. But the good news is that our seasons of recession aren’t permanent. The Bible says that, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven…” (Eccl. 3:1) We must trust God during life’s hard times with full assurance that He has everything under control. The same way that time changes from a.m. to p.m. and the same way that seasons cycle through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, our seasons in life will change as well.

If you’re going through a difficult time, be encouraged. Things will change.

Let’s Pray:
“Father, help us to trust you no matter what phase in life we’re going through, in Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Daily Prayer: “Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!”
The Prayer of Jabez, I Chronicles 4:10

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