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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anointed, But With Issues (Part II)

Various Scriptures
David had issues that could very well have stemmed back to his childhood. Although the language and imagery of the Bible depicts David as being a loner who tended the sheep, God’s Word also suggests that he was viewed by his family as insignificant and even a trouble maker. When Samuel went to Jessie’s house in pursuit of King Saul’s replacement, the Bible says that, “…Samuel consecrated Jessie and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.” (I Samuel 15:5) The fact that David had to be “sent for” after God’s Rejection of Jessie’s other sons either meant that he wasn’t viewed as a son or he was insignificant in the eyes of the rest of the family. When Jessie sent David to the battlefield to take his brothers a care package, quite naturally, he inquired about the 9 foot giant that was mocking and insulting God’s people. The Bible gives his oldest brother’s response to David in I Samuel 17:28-29 (CEV): “David's oldest brother Eliab heard him talking with the soldiers. Eliab was angry at him and said, ‘What are you doing here, anyway? Who's taking care of that little flock of sheep out in the desert? You spoiled brat! You came here just to watch the fighting, didn't you?’ ‘Now what have I done?’ David answered. ‘Can't I even ask a question?” On top of that, his father-in-law (King Saul) was literally trying to kill him!

Even though David was anointed by God and accomplished many things to advance the Kingdom agenda, he had issues that not only affected him but his entire household. But David’s strongholds—multiple wives, failure to affirm his own children, etc.—were probably the indirect result of the disregard he experienced as a child. This is a clarion call to all parents to take the time to speak positively into the lives of our children! But the good news for the believer is that even if you never received the love or affirmation of earthly parents, your Heavenly Father loves you with a love that’s both everlasting and unconditional. At the same time, we must recognize our lack of and need to be affirmed and ask the Father for His Affirmation so that we won’t “look for love in all the wrong places.”

Let’s Pray:
“Father, thank You for Your Love, Affirmation, and Deliverance, in Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Daily Prayer:
“Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!”
The Prayer of Jabez, I Chronicles 4:10is that even if you never received the love or affirmation of earthly parents, your Heavenly Father loves you with a love that’s both everlasting and unconditional. At the same time, we must recognize our lack of and need to be affirmed and ask the Father for His Affirmation so that we won’t “look for love in all the wrong places.”

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